West Coast​
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West Coast​

​West Coast

Est. Population: 32,900 

The main towns in the region include are Greymouth, Hokitika, and Westport.

Wake up to the West Coast. A and teeming with natural wonders, untamed wilderness, warm, welcoming people, and more wildlife than you can shake a stick at.

Surfing, rafting, climbing, glaciers, a world heritage national park like no other, kayaking, trout fishing, hot pools, spectacular alpine rivers, transalpine adventures, world-class walking tracks and so much more. This is the home for the adventurous among you and those that wish to find the lost population of the world’s most friendly people.

Greymouth is the largest town on the West Coast. During the last century, the town was the focus of the Westland gold boom, and, until the 1920’s, supported the country’s coal mining industry. Timber has also been important to the town. Other major towns apart from Greymouth include Westport and Buller.

The close community spirit makes living in this region a “heartland experience.” A place where you will find the true spirit of Kiwi hospitality, down to earth people, and a pace of life the envy of most.

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